5 Ways to Increase Metabolism (Naturally)

metabolism Aug 01, 2019

We all know that there's really no avoiding it... that natural decline in metabolism. It starts around the age of 30 and just seems to progressively drop off lower and lower with each decade. Our muscle mass suffers and year after year a few more pounds begin to pack on. It happens to everyone... right? But what if this seemingly unavoidable fate has more to do with the consistency of our lifestyle choices rather than, well, fate?

Enter Exhibit A...

These cross-sectional images of the thighs of two triathletes and one sedentary man might tell a different story. The reality is, more often than not, there are some simple and straight forward things that we know we should be doing on a daily basis that just aren't getting done because we've just never developed the habits and skills necessary.

The good news? It's never too late to implement changes in your life and reap the benefits of an increased metabolism and improved body composition. Here are 5 things that you can get started on today no matter what decade of life you're in...


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Two Step

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